Our Commitment to Privacy: To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining Smart Bot Systems’s online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, it is available on our homepage and wherever personally identifiable information may be requested. This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on Smart Bot Systems’s website.

The Information We Collect: When you browse our website, your IP address (the internet address of your computer) is recorded so that we may know how you are using our website. Your browser may also automatically provide us with information regarding your computer and operating system. This information is used by Smart Bot Systems to monitor and improve our website. This information is not linked back to you as an individual user. On some pages, you can order services, make requests, and register to receive materials. The types of personal information collected on these pages are name, address, email, phone, fax, and billing information. In order to tailor our subsequent communications to you and continuously improve our services, we may also ask you to voluntarily provide us with information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experience with our services, and contact preferences.

The Way We Use Information: Smart Bot Systems uses this information to better understand your needs and provide you with better service. Specifically, we use your information to help you complete a transaction, to communicate back to you, to update you on services and benefits, and to personalize our website for you. From time to time, we may also use your information to contact you for market research or to provide you with information about other Smart Bot Systems services that we think would be of particular interest to you. At a minimum, we will always give you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving such direct marketing or market research communications. You may exercise this right to opt-out at any time. We never use or share the personal information you provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

How You Can Correct Your Information: At any time, you may obtain a summary of your personal information on record with Smart Bot Systems. You may also request that we dispose of any or all personal information about you, except for personal information we need to complete transactions or to maintain proper records of previous transactions. You can help us maintain the accuracy of your information by notifying us of any change to your personal information.

How to Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement, or how we handle your personal information, please contact us. Smart Bot Systems welcomes comments and suggestions concerning this Privacy Statement. We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information.

Personal Information Collection: Smart Bot Systems collects information from its Members at the time of registration as well as at certain specific instances of usage of our services wherein they are requested to provide with their personal information including contact information. These forms usually seek information such as name, email address, contact modes, and specifics related to their skills sets, experience, designation, role; and/or job specifications. As a Member using the free of Smart Bot Systems, it is deemed that the Member has granted Smart Bot Systems the right to use the posted information, publish the desired details throughout its platform i.e. all divisions/sister concerns/ventures of Smart Bot Systems, including and not limited to directories, listings, resumes, jobs, company pages, catalogs, website pages etc. The personal information requested by Smart Bot Systems is for usage at Smart Bot Systems alone unless it is specifically stated otherwise or if you choose to share it with some Member/Visitor/Third Party explicitly. Promotions through Banner Advertisements & Emails that are run on Smart Bot Systems may be sponsored by companies other than Smart Bot Systems or may be co-sponsored by Smart Bot Systems and another company. During a promotion, some or all of the data may be shared with the sponsor. However, you can decide not to participate in the promotion if you don’t want your data to be shared and mail us as [email protected]. Besides the information directly submitted by you, we gather and analyze the usage statistics such as the number of unique visitors, search conducted, pages viewed, screen resolution, browser software etc. We also get information about your interaction with other Members if they choose to share it with us.

Your Acceptance of These Terms: By using Smart Bot Systems‘s website, you signify your agreement to this Privacy Statement. Smart Bot Systems reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement at any time. Any revisions will be posted on this site. Please check this page periodically for changes.

If you need any further edits or have any specific changes in mind, please let me know.